Data Quality research group



  • Salvatore, C., Bianchi, A., & Biffignandi, S. (2024). Augmenting Business Statistics Information by Combining Traditional Data with Textual Data: A Composite Indicator Approach. Metron.


  • Bianchi, A., Salvatore, C., & Biffignandi, S. (2023). Using Social Media to Enhance Survey Data. The Survey Statistician, 87, 27-34.
  • Boeschoten, L., De Schipper, N., Mendrik, A., Van der Veen, E., Struminskaya, B., Janssen, H., Araujo, T. (2023). Port: A software tool for digital data donation. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(90), 5596
  • Hammond, N., & Moretti, A. (2023). Data like any other? Sexual and Reproductive Health Big Data and the Sustainable Development Goals. Sexualities. Advance online publication.
  • Krämer, F., Silber, H., Struminskaya, B., Sand, M., Bosnjak, M., Kloßmann, J., Weiß, B. (2023). Panel Conditioning in A Probability-based Longitudinal study: A Comparison of Respondents with Different Levels of Survey Experience. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology,
  • Leitgöb, H., Seddig, D., Asparouhov, T., Behr, D., Davidov, E., De Roover, K., Jak, S., Meitinger, K., Menold, N., Muthén, B., Rudnev, M., Schmidt, P., & van de Schoot, R. (2023). Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives. Social Science Research, 110, Article 102805.
  • Meitinger, K., Schmidt, P., & Braun, M. (2023). Detecting and explaining missing comparability in cross-national studies: The case of citizen evaluation of patriotism. Survey Research Methods, 17(4), 493–507.
  • Moretti, A. (2023). Estimation of Small Area Proportions Under a Bivariate Logistic Mixed Model. Quality and Quantity, 57(4), 3663–3684.
  • Moretti, A. (2023). Multivariate Small Area Estimation of Social Indicators: the Case of Continuous and Binary Variables. Sociological Methodology, 53(2), 323-343.
  • Moretti, A. (2023). Regional Public Opinions on LGBTI People Equal Opportunities in Employment: Evidence from the Eurobarometer Programme using Small Area Estimation. Social Indicators Research, 166(2), 413-438.
  • Moretti, A., & Shlomo, N. (2023). Improving Probabilistic Record Linkage Using Statistical Prediction Models. International Statistical Review, 91(3), 368-394.
  • Moretti, A., & Shlomo, N. (2023). Improving Statistical Matching when Auxiliary Information is Available. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 11(3), 619–642.
  • Neuert, C., Meitinger, K., & Behr, D. (2023). Open-ended versus closed probes: Assessing different formats of web probing. Sociological Methods and Research, 52(4), 1981-2015. Article 00491241211031271.
  • Salvatore, C. (2023). Inference with non-probability samples and survey data integration: a science mapping study. Metron, 81(1), 83–107.
  • Salvatore, C., Biffignandi, S., Sakshaug, J. W., Wiśniowski, A., & Struminskaya, B. (2023). Bayesian Integration of Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Logistic Regression. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. Advance online publication.
  • Santi, C., & Moretti, A. (2023). Carbon Risk Premium and Worries about Climate Change. SSRN.
  • Shlomo, N., Nazroo, J., Finney, N., Bécares, L., Kapadia, D., Aparicio-Castro, A., Ellingworth, D., Moretti, A., & Taylor, H. (2023). The Making of the EVENS Survey. In N. Finney, J. Nazroo, L. Bécares, D. Kapadia, & N. Shlomo (Eds.), Racism and Ethnic Inequality in a Time of Crises: Findings from the Evidence for Equality National Survey (pp. 11-29). Policy Press.
  • Struminskaya, B., Sakshaug, J. (2023). Ethical Considerations for Augmenting Surveys with Auxiliary Data Sources. Public Opinion Quarterly.
  • Whitworth, A., & Moretti, A. (2023). Homopositivity across Europe: Predictors, Pathways, and Moderators. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52(3), 945-955.
  • Wu, S., Boonstra, H-J., Moerbeek, M., & Schouten, B. (2023). Modelling time change in survey response rates: A Bayesian approach with an application to the Dutch Health Survey. Survey Methodology, 49(1).


  • Aleman, J., Schmidt, P., Meitinger, K., & Meuleman, B. (2022). Comparative political science and measurement invariance: Basic issues and current applications. Frontiers in Political Science, 4, 1-5. Article 1039744.
  • Bais, F., Schouten, B., & Toepoel, V. (2022). Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent across surveys? An investigation into respondent characteristics. Survey Methodology, 48(1), 191-224.
  • Bakker, J., Haan, M., Schouten, B., Struminskaya, B., Lugtig, P., Toepoel, V., Giesen, D., & Meertens, V. (2022). Testing the Effects of Automated Navigation in a General Population Web Survey. Methods, Data, Analyses, 16(1), 107-128.
  • Brunton-Smith, I., Buil-Gil, D., Pina-Sánchez, J., Cernat, A., & Moretti, A. (Accepted/In press). Using synthetic crime data to understand patterns of police under-counting at the local level. In L. Huey, & D. Buil-Gil (Eds.), The Crime Data Handbook Policy Press.
  • Buil-Gil, D., Moretti, A., & Langton, S. H. (2022). The accuracy of crime statistics: Assessing the impact of police data bias on geographic crime analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 18(3), 515-541.
  • Ilic, G., Lugtig, P., Schouten, B., Streefkerk, M., Kumar, P., & Höcük, S. (2022). Pictures instead of survey questions: An experimental investigation of the feasibility of using pictures in a housing survey. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 185(s2), S437-S460.
  • Kunz, T., & Meitinger, K. (2022). A Comparison of Three Designs for List-style Open-ended Questions in Web Surveys. Field Methods, 34(4), 303-317.
  • Lugtig, P., Roth, K., & Schouten, B. (2022). Nonresponse analysis in a longitudinal smartphone-based travel study. Survey Research Methods, 16(1), 13-27.
  • Maslovskaya, O., & Lugtig, P. (2022). Representativeness in six waves of CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) panel. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 185(3), 851-871. Advance online publication.
  • McCool, D., Lugtig, P., & Schouten, B. (2022). Maximum interpolable gap length in missing smartphone-based GPS mobility data. Transportation. Advance online publication.
  • Meitinger, K., & Kunz, T. (2022). Visual Design and Cognition in List-Style Open-Ended Questions in Web Probing. Sociological Methods and Research. Advance online publication.
  • Meitinger, K. M., Toroslu, A., Raiber, K., & Braun, M. (2022). Perceived Burden, Focus of Attention, and the Urge to Justify: The Impact of the Number of Screens and Probe Order on the Response Behavior of Probing Questions. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10(4), 923–944.
  • Schwarz, H., Revilla, M., Struminskaya, B. (2022). Do previous survey experience and participating due to an incentive affect response quality? Evidence from the CRONOS panel. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series A.
  • Struminskaya, B., Gummer, T. (2022). Risk of Nonresponse Bias and the Length of the Field Period in a Mixed-mode General Population Panel. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10(1), 161-182.
  • Salvatore, C., Biffignandi, S., & Bianchi, A. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Through Twitter: From Topic Model Analysis to Indexes Measuring Communication Characteristics. Social Indicators Research, 164, 1217–1248.
  • Wu, S., Schouten, B., Meijers, R., & Moerbeek, M. (2022). Data Collection Expert Prior Elicitation in Survey Design: Two Case Studies. Journal of Official Statistics, 38(2), 637-662.


  • Arts, I., Fang, Q., van de Schoot, R., & Meitinger, K. (2021). Approximate Measurement Invariance of Willingness to Sacrifice for the Environment Across 30 Countries: The Importance of Prior Distributions and Their Visualization. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-18. Article 624032.
  • Buil-Gil, D. (Author), Brunton-Smith, I. (Author), Pina-Sánchez, J. (Author), Cernat, A. (Author), & Moretti, A. (Author). (2021). Code and data to generate a synthetic dataset of crimes in England and Wales. Software, Zenodo.
  • Buil-Gil, D., Moretti, A., Shlomo, N., & Medina, J. (2021). Worry about crime in Europe: A model-based small area estimation from the European Social Survey. European Journal of Criminology.
  • Cernat, A., Lugtig, P., Watson, N., & Uhrig, S. C. N. (2021). Assessing and relaxing assumptions in quasi-simplex models. In A. Cernat, & J. W. Sakshaug (Eds.), Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data (pp. 155-172). Oxford University Press.
  • Elevelt, A., Bernasco, W., Lugtig, P. J., Ruiter, S., & Toepoel, V. (2021). Where You at? Using GPS Locations in an Electronic Time Use Diary Study to Derive Functional Locations. Social Science Computer Review, 39(4), 509-526. Advance online publication.
  • Lugtig, P., & Luiten, A. (2021). Do shorter stated survey length and inclusion of a QR code in an invitation letter lead to better response rates? Survey Methods: Insights from the Field.
  • Lyberg, L., Lynn, P., & Schouten, B. (2021). Mode issues in comparative surveys. In E. Marlier, L. Lyberg, & P. Lynn (Eds.), NET-SILC3
  • McCool, D., Lugtig, P., Mussmann, O., & Schouten, B. (2021). An App-Assisted Travel Survey in Official Statistics: Possibilities and Challenges. Journal of Official Statistics, 37(1), 149-170.
  • Meitinger, K. M. (2021). Using Apples and Oranges to Judge Quality? Selection of Appropriate Cross-National Indicators of Response Quality in Open-Ended Questions. Social Science Computer Review, 39(3), 434-455.
  • Moretti, A., & Buil-Gil, D. (2021). Mapping the bias of police records: Project final report: Manchester Statistical Society Campion Grants – Final Report .
  • Moretti, A., & Shlomo, N. (2021). Informing best practice on record linkage and data integration. Statistical matching and probabilistic record linkage: Deliverable 8.8, Leuven, H2020 InGRID-2 project. European Union.
  • Moretti, A., Shlomo, N., & Sakshaug, J. W. (2021). Small Area Estimation of Latent Economic Well-being. Sociological Methods and Research, 50(4), 1660-1693.
  • Moretti, A., & Whitworth, A. (2021). Estimating the Uncertainty of a Small Area Estimator Based on a Microsimulation Approach. Sociological Methods and Research.
  • Neuert, C. E., Meitinger, K. M., Behr, D., & Schonlau, M. (2021). Editorial: The Use of Open-ended Questions in Surveys. Methods, Data, Analyses, 15(1), 4.
  • Salvatore, C., Biffignandi, S., & Bianchi, A. (2021). Social Media and Twitter Data Quality for New Social Indicators. Social Indicators Research, 156, 601-630.
  • Schouten, B. (2021). A cost-benefit analysis of EU-SILC mode effect decomposition: A Dutch case study. In E. Marlier, L. Lyberg, & P. Lynn (Eds.), NET-SILC3
  • Schouten, B., van den Brakel, J., Buelens, B., Giesen, D., Luiten, A., & Meertens, V. (2021). Mixed-Mode Official Surveys: Design and Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Schouten, B., & Luiten, A. (2021). Impact of SILC panel attrition on representativeness. In E. Marlier, L. Lyberg, & P. Lynn (Eds.), NET-SILC3
  • Shlomo, N., Luiten, A., & Schouten, B. (2021). Representativeness of First Wave SILC Response and Response Rates Over Time. In E. Marlier, L. Lyberg, & P. Lynn (Eds.), NET-SILC3
  • Struminskaya, B. & Bosnjak, M. (2021). Panel conditioning: Types, causes and empirical evidence of     what we know so far. In P. Lynn (Ed.), Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. (pp. 272      – 301). Hoboken, NY: Wiley.
  • Struminskaya, B., Lugtig, P., Toepoel, V., Schouten, B., Giesen, D., & Dolmans, R. (2021). Sharing Data Collected with Smartphone Sensors: Willingness, Participation, and Nonparticipation Bias. Public Opinion Quarterly, 85(S1), 423-462.
  • Struminskaya, B., Toepoel, V., Lugtig, P., Haan, M., Luiten, A., & Schouten, B. (2021). Understanding Willingness to Share Smartphone-Sensor Data. Public Opinion Quarterly.
  • Ten Years Up consortium (2021). Study Protocol of the Ten Years Up Project: Mapping the Development of Self-Regulation Strategies in Young Adults Over Time. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-8. Article 729609.
  • Timmers, A. (Author), & Lugtig, P. (Author). (2021). List of Citizen Science Projects in the Netherlands (Version v2021.4.29). Software http://10.5281/zenodo.4724570
  • Toepoel, V., Mathon, K., Tussenbroek, P., & Lugtig, P. (2021). Probing in online mixed-device surveys: Is a research messenger layout more effective than a traditional online layout, especially on mobile devices? BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 151(1), 74-95.
  • Yerkes, M., Meitinger, K., & van Hedel, K. (2021). Adding a layer of complexity: Comparative measurement of capabilities to access local policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at ESPAnet, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Zeng, Y. (Author), Moretti, A. (Author), & Buil-Gil, D. (Author). (2021). Dark figure of crime: do police-recorded crime statistics serve all areas of Greater Manchester equally?. Web publication/site, Policy@Manchester Blogs.


  • Bais, F., Schouten, J. G., & Toepoel, V. (2020). Investigating Response Patterns Across Surveys: Do Respondents Show Consistency in Undesirable Answer Behaviour over Multiple Surveys? Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 147–148(1–2), 150–168.
  • Behr, D., Meitinger, K. M., Braun, M., & Kaczmirek, L. (2020). Cross-National Web Probing: An Overview of Its Methodology and Its Use in Cross-National Studies. In Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing (pp. 521–543). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Berkel, K. van, Doef, S. van der, & Schouten, J. G. (2020). Implementing Adaptive Survey Design with an Application to the Dutch Health Survey. Journal of Official Statistics, 36(3), 609–629.
  • Braun, M., Meitinger, K. M., & Behr, D. (2020). Combining Quantitative Experimental Data with Web Probing: The Case of Individual Solutions for the Division of Labor Between Both Genders. Methods, Data, Analyses, 14(2), 25–25.
  • Buil-Gil, D., Moretti, A., Shlomo, N., & Medina, J. (2020). Applying the Spatial EBLUP to Place-Based Policing. Simulation Study and Application to Confidence in Police Work. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy.
  • Buil-Gil, D., Solymosi, R., & Moretti, A. (2020). Nonparametric bootstrap and small area estimation to mitigate bias in crowdsourced data: Simulation study and application to perceived safety. In Big data meets survey science
  • Cornesse, C., Blom, A. G., Dutwin, D., Krosnick, J. A., De Leeuw, E. D., Legleye, S., Pasek, J., Pennay, D., Phillips, B., Sakshaug, J. W., Struminskaya, B., & Wenz, A. (2020). A Review of Conceptual Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Probability and Nonprobability Sample Survey Research. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8(1), 4–36.
  • Fakkel, M., Peeters, M., Lugtig, P., Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M. A. J., Blok, E., White, T., van der Meulen, M., Kevenaar, S. T., Willemsen, G., Bartels, M., Boomsma, D. I., Schmengler, H., Branje, S., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2020). Testing sampling bias in estimates of adolescent social competence and behavioral control. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 46, Article 100872.
  • Gummer, T., & Struminskaya, B. (2020). Early and Late Participation during the Field Period: Response Timing in a Mixed-Mode Probability-Based Panel Survey. Sociological Methods & Research.
  • Keusch, F., Struminskaya, B., Kreuter, F., & Weichbold, M. (2020). Combining Active and Passive Mobile Data Collection. In Big Data Meets Survey Science (pp. 657–682). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Kolenikov, S., West, B., & Lugtig, P. (2020). A Checklist for Assessing the Analysis Documentation for Public-Use Complex Sample Survey Data Sets. The Survey Statistician, 81, 50–62.
  • Lee, S., McClain, C., Behr, D., & Meitinger, K. M. (2020). Exploring Mental Models behind Self-rated Health and Subjective Life Expectancy through Web Probing. Field Methods, 32(3), 309–326.
  • Meitinger, K. M. (2018). What does the general national pride item measure? Insights from web probing. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 59(5–6), 428–450.
  • Meitinger, K. M., Ackermann-Piek, D., Blohm, M., Edwards, B., Gummer, T., & Silber, H. (2020). Fieldwork Monitoring Strategies for Interviewer-Administered Surveys. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF).
  • Meitinger, K. M., Behr, D., & Braun, M. (2019). Using Apples and Oranges to Judge Quality? Selection of Appropriate Cross-National Indicators of Response Quality in Open-Ended Questions. Social Science Computer Review.
  • Meitinger, K. M., Braun, M., & Behr, D. (2018). Sequence Matters in Web Probing: The Impact of the Order of Probes on Response Quality, Motivation of Respondents, and Answer Content. Survey Research Methods, 12(2), 103–120.
  • Meitinger, K. M., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., & Braun, M. (2020). Measurement Invariance: Testing for It and Explaining Why It is Absent. Survey Research Methods, 14(4), 345–349.
  • Meitinger, K. M., & Johnson, T. P. (2020). Power, Culture and Item Nonresponse in Social Surveys. In P. S. Brenner (Ed.), Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological Theory and Applications (pp. 169–191). Springer International Publishing.
  • Meitinger, K. M., Stadtmüller, S., Silber, H., Auriga, R., Bergmann, M., Blohm, M., Blumenberg, M., Christmann, P., Felderer, B., Frodermann, C., Griese, F., Gummer, T., Kottwitz, A., Krell, K., Krieger, U., Liebau, E., Martin, S., Müller-Kuller, A., Rammstedt, B., & Zabal, A. (2020). Fieldwork Monitoring in Practice: Insights from 17 Large-scale Social Science Surveys in Germany. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, 2020, 1–13.
  • Moretti, A., & Santi, C. (2020). Comment to Critical Limitations of Digital Epidemiology: Why COVID-19 Apps Are Useless. Survey Research Methods.
  • Moretti, A. (2020). Simulation Studies. In SAGE Research Methods Foundations
  • Moretti, A. (2020). Small Area Estimation. In SAGE Research Methods Foundations
  • Moretti, A., & Santi, C. (2020). The Need for Reliable and Timely Data to Contrast COVID-19: What Went Wrong?
  • Moretti, A., Shlomo, N., & Sakshaug, J. W. (2020). Multivariate Small Area Estimation of Multidimensional Latent Economic Well-being Indicators. International Statistical Review, 88(1), 1-28.
  • Moretti, A., Shlomo, N., & Sakshaug, J. W. (2020). Parametric bootstrap mean squared error of a small area multivariate EBLUP. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation.
  • Moretti, A., & Whitworth, A. (2020). Development and Evaluation of an Optimal Composite Estimator in Spatial Microsimulation Small Area Estimation. Geographical Analysis, 52(3), 351-370.
  • Moretti, A., & Whitworth, A. (2020). European Regional Welfare Attitudes: a Sub-National Multi-Dimensional Analysis. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 13(2), 393-410.
  • Moretti, A., & Whitworth, A. (2020). Evaluations of small area composite estimators based on the iterative proportional fitting algorithm. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 49(12), 3093-3110.
  • Struminskaya, B. (2020). Panel Conditioning. In SAGE Research Methods Foundations. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Struminskaya, B., & Keusch, F. (2020). Editorial: From web surveys to mobile web to apps, sensors, and digital traces. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF).
  • Struminskaya, B., Lugtig, P., Keusch, F., & Höhne, J. K. (2020). Augmenting Surveys With Data From Sensors and Apps: Opportunities and Challenges. Social Science Computer Review.
  • Toepoel, V., de Leeuw, E., & Hox, J. (2020). Single- and Mixed-Mode Survey Data Collection. In P.         Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
  • Toepoel, V., Lugtig, P., & Schouten, J. G. (2020). Active and passive measurement in mobile surveys. The Survey Statistician, 82, 14–26.
  • Toepoel, V., Lugtig, P., Struminskaya, B., Elevelt, A., & Haan, M. (2020). Adapting surveys to the modern world: Comparing a research messenger design to a regular responsive design for online surveys. Survey Practice, 13(1), 14188.
  • Verbree, A.-R., Toepoel, V., & Perada, D. (2020). The Effect of Seriousness and Device Use on Data Quality. Social Science Computer Review, 38(6), 720–738.


  • Bais, F., Schouten, J.G., Lugtig, P., Toepoel, V., Arends-Tòth, J., Douhou, S., Kieruj, N., Morren, M., & Vis, C. (2019). Can Survey Item Characteristics Relevant to Measurement Error Be Coded Reliably? A Case Study on 11 Dutch General Population Surveys. Sociological Methods & Research, 48(2), 263–295.
  • Bianchi, A., Shlomo, N., Schouten, J. G., Da Silva, D., & Skinner, C. J. (2019). Estimation of response propensities and indicators of representative response using population-level information. Survey Methodology, 45, 217–247.
  • Braun, M., Behr, D., Meitinger, K. M., Repke, L., & Raiber, K. (2019). Using Web Probing to Elucidate Respondents’ Understanding of ‘Minorities’ in Cross-Cultural Comparative Research. Ask: Research & Methods, 28(1), 3–20.
  • De Leeuw, E., Hox, J., Silber, H., Struminskaya, B., & Vis, C. (2019). Development of an international survey attitude scale: Measurement equivalence, reliability, and predictive validity. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 1(1), 9.
  • Elevelt, A., Bernasco, W., Lugtig, P., Ruiter, S., & Toepoel, V. (2019). Where You at? Using GPS Locations in an Electronic Time Use Diary Study to Derive Functional Locations. Social Science Computer Review.
  • Elevelt, A., Lugtig, P., & Toepoel, V. (2019). Doing a Time Use Survey on Smartphones Only: What Factors Predict Nonresponse at Different Stages of the Survey Process? Survey Research Methods, 13(2), 195–213.
  • Haan, M., Lugtig, P., & Toepoel, V. (2019). Can we predict device use? An investigation into mobile device use in surveys. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 22(5), 517–531.
  • Keusch, F., Struminskaya, B., Antoun, C., Couper, M. P., & Kreuter, F. (2019). Willingness to Participate in Passive Mobile Data Collection. Public Opinion Quarterly, 83(S1), 210–235.
  • Lugtig, P., Toepoel, V., Haan, M., Zandvliet, R., & Kranenburg, L. K. (2019). Recruiting Young and Urban Groups into a Probability-Based Online Panel by Promoting Smartphone Use. Methods, Data, Analyses, 13(2), 16.
  • Silber, H., Schröder, J., Struminskaya, B., Stocké, V., & Bosnjak, M. (2019). Does panel conditioning affect data quality in ego-centered social network questions? Social Networks, 56, 45–54.
  • Toepoel, V., Vermeeren, B., & Metin, B. (2019). Smileys, Stars, Hearts, Buttons, Tiles or Grids: Influence of Response Format on Substantive Response, Questionnaire Experience and Response Time. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 142(1), 57–74.



  • Bosnjak, Michael, Dannwolf, Tanja, Enderle, Tobias, Schaurer, Ines, Struminskaya, B., Tanner, Angela & Weyandt, Kai (2018). Establishing an Open Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Panel of the General Population in Germany – The GESIS Panel. Social Science Computer Review, 36 (1), (pp. 103) (115 p.).
  • Silber, Henning, Weiss, Bernd, Struminskaya, B. & Durrant, Gabriele (2018). Onlinebefragungen auf mobilen Endgeräten: Potentiale und Herausforderungen. PPmP – Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 68, (pp. 1-2) (2 p.).
  • Struminskaya, B., Gauly, Britta, Daikeler, Jessica, Khorshed, Julia & Jedinger, Alexander (2018). Survey data documentation. (7 p.). Mannheim: GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • De Leeuw, E. D., & Toepoel, V. (2018). Mixed-Mode and Mixed-Device Surveys. In D. L. Vannette & J. A. Krosnick (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research (pp. 51–61). Springer International Publishing.
  • Schouten, J. G., Bais, F., & Toepoel, V. (2018). Estimating Survey Questionnaire Profiles for Measurement Error Risk. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 6(3), 306–334.
  • Schouten, J. G. (2018). Statistical inference based on randomly generated auxiliary variables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 80(1), 33–56.
  • Schouten, J. G., Bais, F., & Toepoel, V. (2018). Estimating Survey Questionnaire Profiles for Measurement Error Risk. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 6(3), 306–334.
  • Schouten, J. G., Mushkudiani, N., Shlomo, N., Durrant, G., Lundquist, P., & Wagner, J. (2018). A Bayesian Analysis of Design Parameters in Survey Data Collection. Journal of Survey Statistics
  • Toepoel, V., & Funke, F. (2018). Sliders, visual analogue scales, or buttons: Influence of formats and scales in mobile and desktop surveys. Mathematical Population Studies, 25(2), 112–122.
  • Toepoel, V., & Lugtig, P. (2018). Modularization in an Era of Mobile Web: Investigating the Effects of Cutting a Survey Into Smaller Pieces on Data Quality. Social Science Computer Review.



  • Lugtig, P.J., Toepoel, V. & amin, alerk (2016). Mobile-Only Web Survey Respondents. Survey Practice, 9 (3), (pp. 1-8) (8 p.).
  • Lugtig, Peter & Toepoel, Vera (01.02.2016). The Use of PCs, Smartphones, and Tablets in a Probability-Based Panel Survey – Effects on Survey Measurement Error. Social Science Computer Review, 34 (1), (pp. 78-94) (17 p.).
  • Gallego, Aina, Buscha, Franz, Sturgis, Patrick & Oberski, Daniel (2016). Places and Preferences: A Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Selection and Contextual Effects. British Journal of Political Science, 46 (3), (pp. 529-550).
  • Toepoel, V. (2016). Doing Surveys Online. (280 p.). SAGE.
  • Vehovar, Vasja, Toepoel, V. & Steinmetz, Stephanie (2016). Non-Probability Sampling. In Christof Wolf, Dominique Joye, Tom W Smith & Yang-chih Fu (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology SAGE.
  • Toepoel, V. (2016). Buttons of balken, klikken of slepen – wat werkt er nu het beste op mobiele telefoons, tablets of PCs?. MOA Jaarboek (pp. 119-136) (18 p.). Spaar en Hout.
  • Ongena, Y.P. & Haan, M. (2016). Using Interviewer-respondent Interaction Coding as a Manipulation Check on Interviewer Behavior in Persuading CATI Respondents. Survey Practice, 9 (2).
  • de Leeuw, Edith D., Hox, Joop J. & Boevé, Anja (01.02.2016). Handling Do-Not-Know Answers – Exploring New Approaches in Online and Mixed-Mode Surveys. Social Science Computer Review, 34 (1), (pp. 116-132) (17 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2016). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2016. 41e Jaarboek van de MOA. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • de Leeuw, E.D. & Berzelak, Necj (2016). Survey Mode or Survey Modes?. In Christof Wolf, Dominique Joy, Tom W Smith & Yang-chih Fu (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Survey Methodology (pp. 142-156). London: SAGE.
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2016). Thirty years of survey methodology. Revised 2016. In Bruce Curtis & Cate Curtis (Eds.), Generating Data SAGE, Reprint of BMS, 120, 1, 47-59, 2013.
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2016). Data science verenigt disciplines: Manusje van alles in de wetenschap. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, (pp. 20-21).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2016). General Online Research: Grenzeloos onderzoek en innovatie. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 77, (pp. 34).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2016). Mobile online-Lekker toch doen!. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 76, (pp. 36).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. & Matthijsse, Suzette (2016). Professional respondents: Threat or Blessing?. Alert!
  • E.D. de Leeuw (27.07.2016). How to design and implement Mixed-Mode surveys in cross-national surveys: An overview. Second International 3MC conference.
  • Jablonski, W. 2016. [in Polish] Wywiad telefoniczny ze wspomaganiem komputerowym (CATI). Dzialania ankieterskie w call centers [Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI). Interviewers Action Strategies in Call Centers]. Lodz: Lodz University Press. 248 pages.


  • de Leeuw, E.D. & Lugtig, P.J. (18.12.2015). Dropouts in Longitudinal Surveys. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, (pp. 1-6).
  • Toepoel, V. & Lugtig, P.J. (18.12.2015). Online surveys are mixed-device surveys. Issues associated with the use of different (mobile) devices in web surveys. methods, data, analyses, 9 (2), (pp. 155-162) (8 p.).
  • Lugtig, P.J., Glasner, T.J. & Boeve, Anja (05.09.2015). Reducing underreports of behaviors in retrospective surveys – the effects of three different strategies. International Journal of Public Opinion Research
  • laurie, Heather, Buck, Nick, Burton, Jon, Parutis, Violeta, Bryan, Mark, Lugtig, P.J. & Brewer, Mike (13.03.2015). The feasibility of conducting a universal credit panel survey – UK department for Work and pensions.. (43 p.). London: Department of Work and Pensions.
  • Cieciuch, Jan, Davidov, Eldad, Oberski, Daniel L. & Algesheimer, René (01.12.2015). Testing for measurement invariance by detecting local misspecification and an illustration across online and paper-and-pencil samples. European Political Science, 14 (4), (pp. 521-538) (18 p.).
  • Bais, F., Schouten, Barry & Toepoel, V. (2015). Interbeoordelaar-Betrouwbaarheid – Het coderen van kenmerken van survey items voor de constructie van vragenlijstprofielen. STAtOR, 2, (pp. 18-21) (4 p.).
  • van ingen, erik, Toepoel, V. & Utz, Sonja (2015). Online Coping After Negative Life Events: – Measurement, Prevalence, and Relation With Internet Activities and Well-Being. Social Science Computer Review (19 p.).
  • Schonla, Matthias & Toepoel, Vera (04.08.2015). Straightlining in Web survey panels over time. Survey Research Methods, 9 (2), (pp. 125-137) (13 p.).
  • Haan, M. (2015). Mode Matters – Effects of Survey Modes on Participation and Answering Behavior (Doctoral Dissertation). (191 p.). Centre for Language and Cognition, University of Groningen.
  • Matthijsse, Suzette M., De Leeuw, Edith D. & Hox, Joop J. (01.10.2015). Internet panels, professional respondents, and data quality. Methodology, 11 (3), (pp. 81-88) (8 p.).
  • Hox, Joop, de Leeuw, Edith & Zijlmans, Eva (2015). Measurement equivalence in mixed mode surveys. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (87) (11 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D., Struminskaya, Bella & Kaczmirek, Lars (2015). Mode system effects in an online panel study – Comparing a probability-based online panel with two face-to-face reference surveys. methods, data, analyses, 9 (1), (pp. 3-56) (54 p.).
  • Hox, Joop & de Leeuw, Edith (2015). Survey Mode and Mode Effects. In Uwe Engel, Ben Jann, Peter Lynn, Annette Scherpenzeel & Patrick Sturgis (Eds.), Improving Survey Methods – Lessons from recent research (pp. 22-34) (13 p.). Routledge, Taylor & Frances Group.
  • van Wijk, Nikil, de Leeuw, Edith & de Bruijn, Jeanne (03.03.2015). The Effectiveness of a Mixed-mode Survey on Domestic Violence in Curaçao – Response and Data Quality. Field Methods, 27 (1), (pp. 82-96) (15 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2015). Big data de hype voorbij. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 73.
  • de Leeuw, Edith (2015). Help…de mobiele respondent. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 71, (pp. 42).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2015). Innovatie langs de academische meetlat. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 72, (pp. 11) (1 p.).
  • Bronner, Fred, Dekker, Paul, de Leeuw, Edith, Paas, Leo, de Ruyter, Ko, Schmidts, Ale & Wieringa, Jaap (2015). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2015. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2015). Wedden op opinies? Peilingen en verkiezingen. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 75.


  • Lugtig, Peter & Jäckle, Annette (01.03.2014). Can i just check…? Effects of edit check questions on measurement error and survey estimates. Journal of Official Statistics, 30 (1), (pp. 45-62) (18 p.).
  • Lugtig, Peter & Lensvelt-Mulders, Gerty J L M (01.01.2014). Evaluating the Effect of Dependent Interviewing on the Quality of Measures of Change. Field Methods, 26 (2), (pp. 172-190) (19 p.).
  • Lugtig, Peter, Das, Marcel & Scherpenzeel, Annette (2014). Nonresponse and attrition in a probability-based online panel for the general population. In Mario Callegaro, Paul Lavrakas, Jon Krosnick, Reginald Baker, Jelke Bethlehem & Anja Goritz (Eds.), Online panel research – a data quality perspective (pp. 135-153). New York: Wiley.
  • Lugtig, Peter (2014). Panel Attrition – Separating Stayers, Fast Attriters, Gradual Attriters, and Lurkers. Sociological Methods and Research, 43 (4), (pp. 699-723) (25 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera & Lugtig, Peter (2014). What Happens if You Offer a Mobile Option to Your Web Panel? Evidence From a Probability-Based Panel of Internet Users. Social Science Computer Review, 32 (4), (pp. 544-560) (17 p.).
  • Oberski, Daniel (2014). lavaan.survey: An R Package for Complex Survey Analysis of Structural Equation Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 57 (1), (pp. 1-27).
  • scherpenzeel, annette & Toepoel, Vera (2014). Informing Panel Members about Study Results. In mario callegaro, reg baker, jelke bethlehem, anja goritz, jon krosnick & paul lavrakas (Eds.), Online Panel Research – A Data Quality Perspective (pp. 192) (214 p.). Wiley.
  • Haan, M., Ongena, Y.P. & Aarts, C.W.A.M. (2014). Reaching Hard-to-Survey Populations: Mode Choice and Mode Preference. Journal of Official Statistics, 30 (2), (pp. 355-379).
  • Haan, M. & Ongena, Y.P. (2014). Tailored and Targeted Designs for Hard-to-Survey Populations. In R. Tourangeau (Eds.), Hard to Survey Populations (pp. 555-574). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • de Leeuw, Edith (2014). Kanssteekproef, of toch maar de gemakssteekproef?. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 69, (pp. 37).
  • de Leeuw, Edith (2014). Mobieltjes en smartphones rijp voor surveys. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 70, (pp. 34).
  • de Leeuw, Edith & Bronner et al, Fred (2014). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2014 – 39eJaarboek van de MOA. (247 p.). Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • de Leeuw, Edith (2014). Wat iedere journalist moet weten van marktonderzoek – Doorvragen bij wie. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 68, (pp. 33).
  • Jablonski, W. 2014. Landline versus Cell Phone Surveys: Interviewers’ Experience. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique 123(1): 5–19


  • van de Schoot, Rens, Kluytmans, Anouck, Tummers, Lars, Lugtig, Peter, Hox, Joop & Muthen, Bengt (23.10.2013). Facing off with Scylla and Charybdis – a comparison of scalar, partial, and the novel possibility of approximate measurement invariance. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 (15 p.).
  • Binswanger, J., Schunk, D. & Toepoel, V. (2013). Panel Conditioning in Difficult Attitudinal Questions. Public Opinion Quarterly, 77 (3), (pp. 783-797).
  • Haan, M., Ongena, Y.P. & Huiskes, M. (2013). Interviewer’s Question Rewording: Not Always a Bad Thing. Interviewers’ Deviations in Surveys. Impact, Reasons, Detection and Prevention. (pp. 173-194). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.
  • Haan, M., Ongena, Y.P. & Aarts, C.W.A.M. (2013). The Effects of Mixed-Mode Approach Techniques and Mode Choice on Response Rates of Hard-to-Survey Populations – An Experiment in the European Social Survey. Stabiliteit en Verandering in Europa. – Proceedings vierde Nederlandse Workshop European Social Survey. Pallas Publications.
  • Mohorko, A, De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J. (2013). Coverage Bias in European Telephone Surveys: Developments of Landline and Mobile Phone Coverage across Countries and over Time. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field
  • Mohorko, Anja, de Leeuw, Edith & Hox, Joop (2013). Internet Coverage and Coverage Bias in Europe – Developments Across Countries and Over Time. Journal of Official Statistics, 29 (4), (pp. 609-622) (14 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2013). Thirty years of survey methodology. BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 120, (pp. 47-59) (13 p.).
  • Roberts, A, De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J., Klausch, L.T. & de Jongh, A. (2013). Leuker kunnen we het wel maken. Online vragenlijst design: standard matrix of scrollmatrix?. Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., de Leeuw, E., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A., Wieringa, J.E., (2013). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2012. 38eJaarboek van de MOA [In Dutch: Developments in Market Research] Jaarboek 2012 (pp. 133-148) (16 p.). Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2013). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2013, 38eJaarboek van de MOA. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • Roberts, A, De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J., Klausch, L.T. & de Jongh, A. (2013). Pret met panels [Fun online]. Insights in Market Intelligence.De basis van het vak, steekproeven en vragenlijsten (pp. 44-46) (3 p.). MOA.


  • Van de Schoot, R., Lugtig, P.J. & Hox, J.J. (2012). A checklist for testing measurement invariance. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9 (4), (pp. 486-492) (7 p.).
  • Lugtig, P.J., Boeije, H.R. & Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. (2012). Change? What change? An exploration of the use of mixed-methods research to understand longitudinal measurement variance. Methodology, 8 (3), (pp. 115-123) (8 p.).
  • Lugtig, P.J. (2012). Luiaards en trouwe deelnemers. Classificatie van respondenten in een panelstudie. In Bronner, F. (Eds.), Ontwikkelingen in het Jaarboek van de Markt Onderzoeks Associatie (pp. 123-137) (15 p.). Haarlem: Spaar en Hout.
  • Toepoel, V. (2012). Building Your Own Online Panel via Email and Other Digital Media. In Gideon (Eds.), Handbook of Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences, (pp. 345-360) (16 p.). New York: Springer.
  • Toepoel, V. (2012). Effects of Incentives in Surveys. In Gideon (Eds.), Handbook of Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences, (pp. 209-227) (19 p.). New York: Springer.
  • Scherpenzeel, A. & Toepoel, V. (2012). Recruiting a Probability Sample for an Online Panel: Effects of contact mode, incentives, and information. Public Opinion Quarterly, 76, (pp. 470-490) (21 p.).
  • Hox, J.J., De Leeuw, E.D., Brinkhuis, M.J..S. & Ooms, J. (2012). Multigroup and multilevel approaches to measurement equivalence. In S. Salzborn, E. Davidov & J. Reinecke (Eds.), Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences. (pp. 91-96) (6 p.). NY: Springer.
  • Hox, J.J., De Leeuw, E.D. & Chang, H.T. (2012). Nonresponse versus measurement error: Are reluctant respondents worth pursuing?. BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 113 (5), (pp. 5-19) (15 p.).
  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2012). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2012. 37eJaarboek van de MOA [In Dutch: Developments in Market Research] Jaarboek 2012. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2012). The quality of Internet surveys. BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 114, (pp. 68-78) (11 p.).
  • Matthijsse, S., De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2012). Professionele respondenten in online panels: Een bedreiging voor de data kwaliteit? De NOPVO-data nader geanalyseerd. In A.E. Bronner, P. Dekker, E. De Leeuw, L.J. Paas, K. De Ruyter, A. Smidts &
  • J.E. Wieringa (Eds.), Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2012. 37eJaarboek van de MOA [In Dutch: Developments in Market Research] Jaarboek 2012 (pp. 89-106) (18 p.). Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2012). “Bad boy Matrix”. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 58, (pp. 29) (1 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2012). Meten met Duitsland. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 57, (pp. 33) (1 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2012). Over het verschil tussen zeggen en doen. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 59, (pp. 29) (1 p.).
  • Jablonski, W. 2012. Stressful Situations in Telephone Interviews. Survey Practice 5(4): 1–6
  • Jablonski, W. 2012. CATI Interviewers’ Job Satisfaction Level. American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, pp. 5739–5746


  • Lugtig, P.J., Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M., Frerichs, R. & Greven, A. (2011). Estimating nonresponse bias and mode effects in a mixed mode survey. International Journal of Market Research, 53 (5), (pp. 669-686) (18 p.).
  • Lugtig, P.J. & Jäckle, A. (2011). In-Interview edit checks: effects on measurement error in non-labour income and estimates of household income and poverty. ISER Working Paper Series, 2011-23.
  • Toepoel, Vera & Couper, Mick P. (01.03.2011). Can verbal instructions counteract visual context effects in web surveys?. Public Opinion Quarterly, 75 (1), (pp. 1-18) (18 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera & Dillman, Don A. (2011). How visual design affects the interpretability of survey questions. Social and behavioral research and the Internet. Advances in applied methods and research strategies (pp. 165-190) (35 p.). Routledge.
  • Das, Marcel, Toepoel, Vera & van Soest, Arthur (01.02.2011). Nonparametric tests of panel conditioning and attrition bias in panel surveys. Sociological Methods and Research, 40 (1), (pp. 32-56) (25 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera & Dillman, Don A. (01.05.2011). Words, numbers, and visual heuristics in web surveys – Is there a hierarchy of importance?. Social Science Computer Review, 29 (2), (pp. 193-207) (15 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2011). Internet Surveys as Part of a Mixed Mode Design. In M. Das, P. Ester & L. Kaczmirek (Eds.), Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies (pp. 45-76) (32 p.). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Frances Group.
  • Blom, A.G., de Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2011). Interviewer effects on nonresponse in the European social survey. Journal of Official Statistics, 27 (2), (pp. 359-377) (19 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Scherpenzeel, A. (2011). Mode Effect or Question Wording? Measurement Error in Mixed Mode Surveys. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association 2010 (pp. 5959-5967) (9 p.). Alexandria: VA: American Statistical Association.
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2011). De crisis voorbij? Niet als het aan SPSS ligt. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 51, (pp. 29) (1 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2011). Representativiteit versus datakwaliteit. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 53, (pp. 39) (1 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2011). Terug bij af? Surveys en schermresoluties. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 52, (pp. 29) (1 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D., Matthijsse, S. & Hox, J.J. (2011). Uit op plezier en geld: De professionele respondent 2.0. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 55, (pp. 33) (1 p.).


  • Hox, J.J., De Leeuw, E.D. & brinkhuis, M.J.S. (2010). Analysis models for comparative surveys. In J. Harkness, M. Braun, B. Edwards, T. Johnson, L. Lyberg, P. Mohler, B. E. Pennell & T. W. Smith (Eds.), Survey Methods in Multicultural, Multinational, and Multiregional Context. (pp. 395-418) (24 p.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Scherpenzeel, A. (2010). Emulating Interviewers in an Online Survey: Experimental Manipulation of ‘Do-Not-Know’ over the Phone and on the Web. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the Americal Statistical Association 2010 Alexandria: VA: American Statistical Association.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2010). Goed meten met online-vragenlijsten: ja het kan!. STAtOR, 11 (2), (pp. 12-15) (4 p.).
  • Blom, A.G., De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2010). Interviewer effects on nonresponse in the European Social Survey. Institute for Social & Economic Research, ESRC. ISER Working paper Series.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2010). Mixed-Mode Surveys and the internet. Survey Practice
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2010). Passen en meten online: de kwaliteit van Internet-enquetes. In A. E. Bronner, P. Dekker, E. de Leeuw, L. J. Paas, K. de Ruyter, A. Smidts & J. E. Wieringa (Eds.), Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek 2010. 35e Jaarboek van de MOA (pp. 9-23) (15 p.). Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2010). De ballade van marktonderzoek en wetenschap. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 49, (pp. 29) (1 p.).
  • de Leeuw, E.D. (2010). Representativiteit of relevantie?. CLOU : voor marketing, informatie en research, 50, (pp. 39) (1 p.).


  • Lugtig, P.J., Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. & Hubregste, M. (2009). Seperating selection bias and non-coverage in Internet Panels using propensity Matching. Survey Practice, 2009 (september), (pp. 1-5) (5 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera, Das, Marcel & Van Soest, Arthur (01.12.2009). Design of web questionnaires – The effect of layout in rating scales. Journal of Official Statistics, 25 (4), (pp. 509-528) (20 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera, Das, Marcel & Van Soest, Arthur (18.06.2009). Design of web questionnaires – The effects of the number of items per screen. Field Methods, 21 (2), (pp. 200-213) (14 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera, Vis, Corrie, Das, Marcel & Van Soest, Arthur (01.02.2009). Design of web questionnaires – An information-processing perspective for the effect of response categories. Sociological Methods and Research, 37 (3), (pp. 371-392) (22 p.).
  • Toepoel, Vera (2009). Ik zie, ik zie, wat jij niet ziet. Het belang van visueel design in online onderzoek. Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek (pp. 43-60) (17 p.). Spaar en Hout.
  • Toepoel, Vera, Das, Marcel & Van Soest, Arthur (01.01.2009). Relating question type to panel conditioning – Comparing trained and fresh respondents. Survey Research Methods, 3 (2), (pp. 73-80) (8 p.).
  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2009). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek [In Dutch: Developments in Market Research] Jaarboek 2008. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • Sikkel, D., Hox, J.J. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2009). Using auxiliary data for adjustment in longitudinal research. In P. Lynn (Eds.), Methodology of Longitudinal surveys. Wiley series in survey methodology (pp. 141-155) (15 p.). New York: Wiley.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (02.12.2009). Passen en meten online : de kwaliteit van internet enquêtes. (13 p.). Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.


  • Toepoel, Vera (2008). A Closer Look at Web Questionnaire Design. (155 p.). Center Dissertation Series.
  • Toepoel, Vera, Das, Marcel & Van Soest, Arthur (01.10.2008). Effects of design in web surveys – Comparing trained and fresh respondents. Public Opinion Quarterly, 72 (5), (pp. 985-1007) (23 p.).
  • Lepkowski, James M., Tucker, C., Brick, J.M., De Leeuw, E.D., Japec, L., Lavrakas, P.J., Link, M.W. & Sangster, R.L. (2008). Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology. New York: Wiley.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2008). Choosing the method of data collection. In E.D. Leeuw, J.J. Hox & D.A. Dillman (Eds.), International Handbook Of Survey Methodology (pp. 113-135) (22 p.). New York: Taylor & Francis, Prychology Press, EAM series.
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Dillman, D.A. (2008). International Handbook Of Survey Methodology (2008). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Taylor & Francis Group, EAM series (European Association of Methodology Series).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2008). Missing data. In P. Lavrakas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods. (pp. 467-471) (5 p.). Thousands Oaks Ca.: SAGE.
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Dillman, D.A. (2008). Mixed mode surveys: When and why. In E.D. de Leeuw, J.J. Hox & D.A. Dillman (Eds.), The International Handbook of Survey Methodology (pp. 299-316) (18 p.). New York/London: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2008). Mixing Data Collection Methods: Lessons from Social Survey Research. In M. Bergman (Eds.), Advances in Mixed Methods Research. (pp. 138-149) (12 p.). London: SAGE.
  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2008). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek ( Developments in Market Research ) Jaarboek 2008. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2008). Self-administered questionnaires and standardized interviews. In Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman & Julia Brannon (Eds.), Handbook of Social Research Methods (pp. 313-327) (15 p.). London: SAGE.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2008). Self-administered questionnaires: mail surveys and other applications. In E. D. de Leeuw, J. J. Hox & D. A. Dillman (Eds.), The International Handbook of Survey Methodology (pp. 239-263) (25 p.). New York/London: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
  • Hox, J.J., De Leeuw, E.D. & Dillman, D.A. (2008). The cornerstones of survey research. In E.D. de Leeuw, J.J. Hox & D.A. Dillman (Eds.), The International Handbook of Survey Methodology (pp. 1-17) (17 p.). New York/London: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.


  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2007). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek Jaarboek 2007. Haarlem: Spaarenhout.
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Callegaro, M., Hox, J.J., Korendijk, E. & Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. (2007). The influence of advance letters on response in telephone surveys: a meta-analysis. Public Opinion Quarterly, 71 (3), (pp. 1-31) (31 p.).


  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2006). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek (Developments in Market Research). (248 p.). Haarlem: Spaarenhout.


  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2005). Dropouts in Longitudinal Data. In B.S. Everitt & D.C. Howell (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science. (pp. 515-518) (4 p.). Chichester: Wiley.
  • de Leeuw, E.D. & Japec, L. (2005). Equating response rates in cross-cultural surveys: A Swedish-Dutch Example. In De Leeuw, E. & Hox, J. (Eds.), JOBS: Journal of Obnoxious Statistics. (pp. 48-50) (3 p.). Amsterdam: Amsterdam: TT-publikaties.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2005). JOBS: Journal of Obnoxious Statistics. Amsterdam: Amsterdam TT-Publikaties.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2005). Mixed-Mode: De toekomst in survey onderzoek?. Facta, 113 (4), (pp. 15-16) (2 p.).
  • Bronner, A.E., Dekker, P., De Leeuw, E.D., Paas, L.J., de Ruyter, K., Smidts, A. & Wieringa, J.E. (2005). Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek Jaarboek 2005. Haarlem: De Vrieseborch.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2005). Surveying Children. In S.J. Best & B. Radcliff (Eds.), Polling America: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion. (pp. 831-835) (5 p.). Westport: CT. Greenwood Press,.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2005). To mix or not to mix data collection modes in surveys. Journal of Official Statistics, 21 (5), (pp. 233-255) (23 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J., Korendijk, E., Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. & Callegaro, M. (2005). The influence of advanced letters on response in telephone surveys: a meta-analysis. In C van Dijkum, J Blasius & C Durand (Eds.), Recent Developments and Applications in Social Research Methodology (31 p.). Leverkusen-Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich /Rammington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers [CD-ROM]., RC 33 Sixth International Conference on Social Sciences Methodology, Amsterdam 2004.


  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2004). Een brief helpt! vooraankondigingen bij enquetes [A prenotification letter helps!. Facta, oktober 04, (pp. 24-25) (2 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2004). I am not selling anything: 29 experiments in telephone introductions. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 16, (pp. 0954-2892) (1939 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2004). Nonresponse en panelonderzoek: Voorkomen is beter dan genezen. [Nonresponse and drop out in panel studies: Prevention is the better cure]. Facta, dec.2004, (pp. 28-30) (3 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Borgers, N. & Smits, A. (2004). Pretesting questionnaires for children and adolescents. In S. Presser, J.M. Rothgeb, M.P. Couper, J.T. Lessler, E. Martin, J. Martin & E. Singer (Eds.), Methods for testing and evaluating survey questionnaires (pp. 409-429) (21 p.). New York: Wiley.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2004). What is the current status of telephone surveys?. Survey Statistician, 50, (pp. 16-17) (2 p.).


  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Kef, S. (2003). Computer-assisted self-interviewing tailored for special populations and topics. Field Methods, 15, (pp. 223-251) (29 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2003). Computer-gestuurd interviewen bij kinderen en adolescenten. Tienertijd: Communicatie, opvoeding en welzijn in context: 10-18 jarigen, ouders en leerkrachten bevraagd (pp. 65-74) (10 p.). Antwerpen: Garant, GBGS Publicatie.
  • Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2003). Current best methods voor de dataverzameling van regelovertredend gedrag. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, onderzoeksschool IOPS (afd. Utrecht).
  • Van der Heijden, P.G.M. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2003). Gevoelige vragen, dobbelstenen, en de statistiek. Facta, 11, (pp. 24-26) (3 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. (2003). Kinderen als respondent. Facta, Juni 2003, (pp. 28-29) (2 p.).
  • Couper, M.P. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2003). Nonresponse in cross-cultural and cross-national surveys. In J.A. Harkness, F.J.R. van de Vijver & P. Mohler (Eds.), Cross-cultural survey methods (pp. 157-177) (21 p.). New York: Wiley.
  • Hox, J.J., De Leeuw, E.D. & Snijkers, G.J.M.E. (2003). Nonresponse in surveys: determining the research agenda for the future. BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 79, (pp. 47-60) (14 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Huisman, M. (2003). Prevention and treatment of item nonresponse. Journal of Official Statistics, 19, (pp. 153-176) (24 p.).
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & Hox, J.J. (2003). The use of meta-analysis in cross-national studies. In J.A. Harkness, F.J.R. van de Vijver & P. Mohler (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Survey Methods (pp. 329-345) (17 p.). New York: Wiley.


  • De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J., Kef, S. & van Hattum, M. (2002). Overcoming the problems of special interviews on sensitive topics: Computer assisted self-interviewing tailored for special populations. In J. Blassius, J. Hox, E. Leeuw de & P. Schmidt (Eds.), Social Science Methodology in the New Millenium. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology. Second expanded edition. Opladen: Leske & Budrich, Boek op CD-rom.
  • Hox, J.J. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2002). The influence of interviewers’ attitude and behaviour on household survey nonresponse: an international comparison. In R.M. Groves, D.A. Dillman, J.L. Eltinge & R.J.A. Little (Eds.), Survey Nonresponse (pp. 103-120) (18 p.). New York: Wiley.
  • De Leeuw, E.D. & de Heer, W. (2002). Trends in household survey nonresponse: a longitudinal and international comparison. In R.M. Groves, D.A. Dillman, J.L. Eltinge & R.J.A. Little (Eds.), Survey Nonresponse (pp. 41-54) (14 p.). New York: Wiley.
  • Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M., De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J. & Junger, M. (2002). Dataverzameling. In P.G.M. Heijden, J. Hox & H. Elffers (Eds.), Het meten van regelnaleving. Een voorstudie. (pp. 3-17) (15 p.). Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2002). Beschermd door de dobbelsteen. Facta, 10-5, (pp. 28-30) (3 p.).
  • Lensvelt-Mulders, G.J.L.M. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2002). Vragen naar gevoelige informatie. Facta, 10-3, (pp. 34-35) (2 p.).


  • Blasius, J., Hox, J.J. & De Leeuw, E.D. (2001). Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium. Opladen: Leske & Budrich, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology.