Data Quality research group

Who is who

Thijs Carrière
PhD Candidate
Thijs Carrière is a PhD student, working on the Vidi project of Bella Struminskaya, which started in January 2024. His work focuses on data collection through mobile apps and the effect of providing participants agency over their own data. Previously,... Read more
An-Chiao Liu
Postdoc researcher
An-Chiao Liu is a post-doctoral researcher working on SSHOC-NL project on data reconciliation and linkage. Her research interests include selection bias correction, data integration and data quality. Read more
Peter Lugtig
Associate Professor in Survey Methodology
Peter is an associate professor in survey methodology. His research interest lie in the interplay of three areas: 1. Doing survey-research on mobile devices 2. Methodology of panel studies and 3. The statistical estimation of data quality in surveys. Peter... Read more
Danielle McCool
PhD Candidate
Danielle McCool works as a ph.d. candidate on a project where smartphone sensor data on people's locations are combined with survey questions using a mobile app. She will study the effects of various aspects of the app, on nonresponse error,... Read more
Katharina Meitinger
Assistant Professor
Katharina Meitinger works as an assistant professor. In her research, she focusses on comparability challenges of and solutions for cross-national data. Read more
Angelo Moretti
Assistant Professor
Angelo is an assistant professor in statistics. His research interests lie in survey statistics, in particular in small area estimation and data integration methods with a strong focus on multidimensional quality of life and public attitudes. He is an elected... Read more
Laura Boeschoten
Assistant Professor
Laura Boeschoten currently works on building a Digital Data Donation platform which researchers can use to conduct data donation studies. Her research focuses on the various methodological challenges that researchers face when performing data donation studies and on designing intuitive... Read more
Daniëlle Remmerswaal
PhD Candidate
Daniëlle Remmerswaal is a PhD candidate in survey methodology. Her PhD project, which she started in September 2022, focuses on recruitment and retention in smartphone app-based diary studies. Her research interest lies around the question ‘’how can we reduce the... Read more
Camilla Salvatore
Assistant Professor
Camilla is an assistant professor in statistics. Her research focuses on data integration, inference with nonprobability samples, nonresponse, data quality assessment, and the analysis of digital trace data (on their own as well as in combination with traditional survey data). Read more
Barry Schouten
Professor by Special Appointment
Barry Schouten is professor by special appointment in survey methodology at Utrecht University. He also works as a senior researcher and methodologist at Statistics Netherlands. His main research focus is on nonresponse (e.g. R-indicators, and correction methods), mobile survey design,... Read more
Bella Struminskaya
Associate Professor
Bella is an associate professor in methods and statistics. Her research focuses on the design and implementation of mixed-mode and smartphone surveys. She has published on various aspects of data quality, nonresponse and measurement error, including panel conditioning and device... Read more
Student Assistants
Kirsten van Kessel • Jonathan Koop • Su Li • Ilaria Lunardelli • Florian Metwaly • Maas van Steenbergen • Merlin Urbanski
Former Members
Franks Bais (PhD candidate) • Anne Elevelt (PhD candidate) • Joop Hox (emeritus professor) • Marieke Haan (postdoc) • Wojciech Jablonski (guest researcher) • Edith de Leeuw (professor) • Joop Hox (professor Vera Toepoel (assistant professor) Daniel Oberski (professor)